First of all, I was going to use a small pot. I'm just going to fill the large one, I'll just drain out as much as I can. After that, you're gonna raise the grains, raise the green bed up, that's gonna be an amazing thing. How do I know that there are sugars? What's that look like to you? There's a look at our grain bed should pour back in. I'll do it two or three times.
I'll just move on down and do them all the same way. So you can see that I started out with a little over four gallons, probably 1516 liters in. Now you'll notice that I've got just slightly over three gallons. It means that those greens are holding on to all that moisture. I guess got to get them out. Remember, I'm gonna do the same thing to all three of the other two of these as well I'm not going to save you. To get the next step. I'm gonna use a diffuser, I just drop down on top. This is the final rinse.
I use that screen at the diffuser. Rinsing all of those fermentable sugars out of that green bed. I got the other two to do but then I've got to adjust. The pH will do that. I've got to let it cool. I gotta get it below 90 degrees. This below 90 degrees. I'll introduce that tomato paste. Check that pH finalize my Ph adjustment down to 5.2 in that area, you know it's really hard to be exact. But I get it in that area then I'll add some yeast. I'll put an airlock on. Slide aside, keep that in a controlled environment and let that sucker firm it.
I'll discuss the introduction if you'll be putting the tomato paste in. Remember, separate the process of the grain versus technique. One technique is to take every bit put it into your firm manner, and infirm it but go through this anyway. Once you've gotten everything out of your grains that you're gonna get any more become rice holes. They just add no benefit. Take nothing away but they're just get rid of them before you put them in still. Remember folks a still is like a computer junk in junk out the cleaner you put your mash in your still, of course, the cleaner going to come out. I don't care if you're using electric, solar power, propane, whatever you're using to heat that thing with if you put solids in, solids will scorch.
That's just a given you'd have one of those high-speed stills I have an agitator that agitates, of course, that's going to be an oil-jacketed. The traditional basic stills that we use for home distilling, you're going to remove the grains at some point, why not remove them now and get a real good, clean catch? Let's talk about efficiency I had about six pounds total, give or take a couple of ounces in each one of those, and started off with 15 liters full four gallons. I want to drain them off at the very end, I wound up with three and a half gallons, and each one it was sort of like a good average.
So then I use that funnel sparge water to bring that back up to five gallons, I've actually increased it to five and a half gallon. So I've done a little bit. Here's where all welled up with.
Three methods or techniques, I went up with just about the same thing and my initial gravity is like 1.04745 ish, four, seven, right there in that neighborhood. In general terms, we always wish it can be higher. For us the regular method of it, I did do any sparge and all that stuff, it would have been lower. Either the 85% or just a little bit above 85% efficiency. So what I did was, I had a couple of pounds of sugar to those and brought them up to like 1.070. Now nine zero is 1.090 is my own personal goal, but I can live with that 1.070 because I've got three buckets. Volume is not as important as CS we're quantity versus quality. I'm opening up a can of tomato paste that I've got two. So I'm going to use two cans of tomato paste one in one bucket, one the other bucket.
The last one, I'm going to use just regular yeast nutrient. Now the easiest way to do is kind of neat. Tomato paste is pretty thick. So you open up one end of it, and then just flip it over and open up the other end. It almost works like a syringe a stopper in as you push down. There is a push-down all this just it just pushes all of it makes sense.
I'll just use a whisk and take some off and whisk it. And I'm gonna do this to those two buckets all the way till we get down to the end and believe don't even worry about if you drop the lid in there, you're going to get it out anyway, at some point, you're going to siphon this off and go to the secondary.
Now all three are sitting like 5.6 5.7 Ph. I'm gonna do the one and test it so you can compare what a difference a tomato paste can make.
After that, I have to let it cool because it's about 110 degrees. Trusts it just takes a while for a volume that large. They're empty can. It's an easy way to MP Canada tomato paste.
Let me get my pH meter gone. It only brought it down to 5.3. So I'll just add like a tiny bit of citric acid because we're trying to get as close to 5.2 as I can I could leave it and everything would be just fine well that's really just about it though these will have to sit this evening in cool Of course cuz I got to get up below 90 degrees and It'll take a while.
Free some bottles of water and drop that. You could do it a whole lot quicker or you can use the old method when you get lazy. So I'll just let it cool off on its own use an ambient temperature and it'll take probably till about morning. Now just introduce my yeast.
Happy Distilling!