The copper moonshine stills my dad taught me to build could save the world. It is my opinion that every house in the world needs to own one of my units. The reason being that these units are a tool for survival. It would be a shame to be left unprepared. My copper stills are for more than just moonshine. The still could actually save your life. Imagine if a tanker truck crashed into your reservoir, unleashing 20,000 gallons of some shitty acid into your drinking water. Does this sound like something that would never happen? Well, it did a couple years ago in west Virginia so I’m not going to risk it. I'm not going to fool around when it comes to protecting myself and my friends and family. The still is worth its weight in gold, which at today’s market value is roughly $457,000. I would say that sounds about right.
I want to make a difference in this world, and I honestly think that if I offer the this stuff up, in fact, George Washington had a still. Hell, he probably used hemp to make the damn mash!!! I’m telling you, the powers at be do not want everyone to own a moonshine still. The big corporations need us to be reliant upon them in more ways than we can even understand. I need everyone to understand that owning a moonshine still is like owning a tool. This is not the “bong” of alcohol. Well, I guess it kind of is. But, Moonshine IS Ethanol Gas. Ethanol Gas can heat your home, fuel your vehicle among other things…. Ethanol can also power a rocket.
public our stills for cheap prices, enough people will start making their own gas which will reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Our prices may be cheap, but that is because we mass produce them all. These stills are in no way “cheap”. We use only the highest quality craftsman and the highest quality materials to ensure our customers are always satisfied.
Back in the day, almost every house had a still. People used them to make their own antiseptics to clean their own wounds. The rampant use of stills nationwide actually dramatically reduced the mortality rate due to the easy access of antiseptics to kill infections and diseases. You seriously can’t make
own hands in our own shop in America. Don’t be fooled by the imitators. We got so sick of seeing copycat designs that we went ahead and fully invested in a new design. We came out with the Flame-Flow ™ Patent Copper Moonshine Still. The Flames actually go up and through the still. Now, no one will be able to copy us, and we will be the only place to get an original Flame-Flow™ Copper Moonshine Still.
The Flame-Flow™ was built with efficiency in mind. We were able to reduce the initial heat up process by more than half! We were able to reduce scorching of the mash which gives you a smoother tasting liquor. We were also able to make it easier to control the temperature of the copper moonshine still. The Flame-Flow™ saves y
The list goes on and on, we have sold these to 90-year-old grandmothers who want to use it to make their own marinades’. We have sold it to veterans who are bored and want a new hobby. We have sold these to 21-year-old college dorm room brewers. The market is massive, and we are ALL IN. I enjoy hearing from our customers and the excitement and journey they embark on while teaching them self the art of distillation. Mother nature is a beast isn’t she? Distillation is magnificent if you really think about it. You take a liquid, and put it over heat, heat it to the right temp and bam, you have separation. It really is a wonderful thing, it’s almost like ANYONE can do it.
We are so convinced that every house in the world needs one of these, that we mass produce around 250 every year before the winter in anticipation of strong demand. The Distillery Network Inc. has an authority in the business unlike any other company out there. WE are the ones building these things with our
our time (see chart), and money by reducing your propane expenses. The Flame-Flow™ is being dubbed “The most innovative thing that has happened to distilling in 200 years” I don’t know if that’s true or not, I am just happy to be able to offer it to the world.
Now, imagine a world full of Flame-Flow™ Copper Moonshine Stills running day and night. Yes, it may be true that the world would be pretty buzzed constantly. But, collectively, we would be a very happy buzzed where we would all be free from paying for expensive bottles of liquor, expensive gallons of gas, expensive bottles of water, etc. Do you know how much perfume costs now-a-days? Well, a copper moonshine still can create essential oils and fragrances on the cheap. The capabilities are endless when owning a copper moonshine still from American Copper Works.
Popcorn Sutton Said “Jesus turned water into wine, so I turned it into liquor”. There is a reason it is possible for us to “make our own” stuff. We are a self-reliant species. There are seriously towns in our country where it is illegal to collect rain water. Owning a gun and owning a moonshine can hold the same value of measure in terms of protecting our freedom. It is just as important to protect our right to bear a moonshine still in our own home on our own property as it is to protect our right to bear arms and protect ourselves and loved ones. We are living in a time of red tape and regulations. The last thing we need is the man telling us that it is illegal for us to own a water purification device. We ALL NEED A MOONSHINE STILL, don’t wait too long. If you do, It could end up being too late.
Before the revenuers come for us all like they did during the whiskey rebellion many years ago, grab yourself a copper moonshine still built by the best. You will be glad you did, if you don’t, you will be stuck drinking the dirty city water in a FEMA camp this next natural disaster. Be prepared, make your own gas and save your life.
American Copper Works
Jonathan Zajac
I just want learn how to make moonshine for myself and some friends. I need an inexpensive still to learn on and directions to learn with.