FlameFlow™ is the Most Important Innovation in Moonshine Stills in 200 Years
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Please allow 1 to 2 months to ship the unit.
We Proudly announce the Introduction of our "Flame Flow™" Patent Pending Technology. This Unit will heat up in half the time effectively cutting your propane use in half., This unit reduces the chance of scorching and burning your mash resulting in an even FINER taste and complex than our customers have grown to expect from our standard units.
Because our "Flame Flow™" Technology allows you to come to distilling temperature rapidly using a lower flame, you can control the heat of the still easier and more accurately than a conventional pot still.
We are convinced the "Flame Flow™" is the wave of the future in distillation. Don't take our word for it, you be the judge!
Free Shipping to Continental USA. Worldwide Shipping Available.
Please allow 1 to 2 months to ship the unit.