Home Moonshiners Blogs — White Lightning
Outshining The Competitors
Posted by Jonathan Zajac on
The Distillery Network Inc. is out of Manchester, NH. and is an industrial manufacturing and production company which specializes in producing copper distillation units as well as copper artwork projects. Jon Zajac, the company’s owner is proud of producing his products right at home here in the USA. Their products are mass produced and are made with led free silver solder and are constructed of the highest quality copper! Their confidence in their products is also backed with a 100% guarantee!The company’s use of copper is tuned to the finest details in craftsmanship. The Distillery Network, Inc. stands behind all...
Our “WAW” - Wait-a-While Shipping Option Saves You Money.
Posted by Jonathan Zajac on
Everyone knows that “Time is Money”. Here at American Copper Works we take pride in our craftsmanship and even more pride in our prices. Offering our customers affordable distillation units has been our mission from day one and our WAW Shipping Option is one of our Hidden Treasures. Occasionally, our prices fluctuate based on demand, and current copper prices. This means that our customers who want a moonshine still within a couple weeks have to deal with our “Current Market Prices”. WAW gives our customers a chance to capture immaculate savings in exchange for waiting for your moonshine still. We...
Our “Sharp Model” Breakdown
Posted by Jonathan Zajac on
Our “Sharp Model” is built a lot differently than our standard units our followers have grown to love and admire. Our sharp model is sharp, you could cut yourself, so watch out! The Sharp model will make the same quality moonshine than our other models. You may be asking yourself, why are we going to offer a “Sharp” model anyways. Well, we have been building copper moonshine stills since 2012 and we have had hundreds of phone calls come in and ask, “why would we buy your unit for $500, when vengeance stills is at $300. We want to offer...
Why Would I Buy A Moonshine Kit?
Posted by Jonathan Zajac on
American Copper Works offers Moonshine Kits which give the customer the ability to build a distillation unit from the comfort of his or her own home. Discretely, you could receive a pre-cut and formed Moonshine Kit from the experts in the industry. Not only could you spend time away from the daily hustle and bustle building something cool in the garage, you could also use the opportunity to spend time with your family or friends. Ask the son or daughter to help you build the still and have a memorable bonding experience that money can’t buy. Convenient, economical and affordable. A...
What is a Distillation Unit, and Why Should You Buy One?
Posted by Jonathan Zajac on
What is a Distillation Unit, and Why Should You Buy One? Utilizing Mother Natures different boiling points, you can separate pure alcohol from water. No, you are not God….You are a Home Moonshiner. Distillation is a great hobby, and much like brewing beer, it's easy enough for anyone to use a distillation unit safely. Save yourself money by making your own consumables. Liquor, Distilled Water, Essential Oils are just some of great products you can make in the comfort of your own home by purchasing a distilling unit from the best in the business, American Copper Works. A great...